Let's explore a critical concept in habit formation and goal achievement: establishing an identity that aligns with your goals and habits. Identity is a foundational component to building lasting habits that is often overlooked. If we don't believe that we are the type of person who deserves, and is capable of, achieving the goals we want, we will never achieve them. Here's how to establish an identity that aligns with your goals.

Why Identity Matters

Your identity is the lens through which you view yourself and your actions. It shapes your thoughts and beliefs, dictates your behavior, and ultimately determines your life's outcomes. When your identity aligns with your goals, achieving those goals becomes a natural extension of who you are.

James Clear, in Atomic Habits, emphasizes the importance of identity-based habits. He says that the key to building lasting habits is to focus on becoming the type of person you want to be. If you're setting a goal to run a marathon, you're a marathoner. This shift in perspective transforms your actions into expressions of your identity, making it easier to stick to your habits.

How to break out of an old Identity

If we're unhappy with our current identity or it is not longer serving us, it's time for a change. Einstein says that "we can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Identities are the exact same. We can't solve problems while in the same identity that created them. So what do we do? Let's look to Tony Robbins for the answers.

Raise Your Standards. Decide what you will no longer accept in your life. Decide what you aspire to become. By raising your standards, you shape the identity you want to adopt. For example, if you want to be healthier, set a standard that prioritizes regular exercise and healthy eating. Be the kind of person that doesn't allow unhealthy habits in their life.

Change Your Limiting Beliefs. Your beliefs about who you are and what you’re capable of can either propel you forward or hold you back. Challenge and replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones. If you believe you’re not a “morning person,” this belief might prevent you from adopting a morning exercise routine. Changing this belief to “I am a morning person" opens up new possibilities.

How to create a new Identity

Define Your Desired Identity. Clearly define the type of person you want to become. Write down your identity statement. For instance, “I am someone who is disciplined and prioritizes my health.”

Align Your Habits with Your Identity. Choose habits that reinforce your new identity. What does someone who is disciplined and prioritizes their health do? They probably exercise, sleep well, and eat well. Build a habit around one of those things (maybe sleep, the ultimate Keystone Habit).

Use Affirmations and Visualization. Regularly affirm your new identity and visualize yourself living it. This practice helps ingrain your new identity into your subconscious mind, making it more natural to act in alignment with it. This is not woowoo voodoo stuff, research backs the power of affirmation and visualization. Think about it this way: every time we affirm or visualize our new identity, it sends a trailblazer down that neural pathway forming in our brain. These affirmations and visualizations take part in forming our identity at the neural level. Go science!

Seek Out Role Models. Surround yourself with people who embody the identity you aspire to. Learn from their habits, mindset, and strategies. Their success can inspire and guide you. This can be one person or a group of people. If you want to be a runner, start running with people. If you want to be a cook, start cooking with people. If you want to sleep better, start slee—ehh, you get my point.

Celebrate Small Wins. Acknowledge and celebrate the small victories that reinforce your new identity. Each small win is a step closer to becoming the person you want to be.

The Power of Consistency

Consistency is key to reinforcing your new identity. James Clear points out that every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. By consistently choosing actions that align with your desired identity, you strengthen your commitment and make it more likely that these behaviors will become second nature. Your identity reinforces your behavior, which reinforces your identity, creating a self-perpetuating virtuous cycle. Ride that cycle all the way to your goals.

Let's wrap this up

Establishing an identity that aligns with your goals is a powerful way to achieve lasting change. By raising your standards, changing your limiting beliefs, and adopting strategies that reflect your desired identity, you set yourself up for success. Remember, every small action you take is a step toward becoming the person you want to be.

As you continue on your journey towards better habits, focus on establishing an identity that supports your goals. Embrace the process, stay consistent, and watch as your new identity transforms your life.