Change your habits.
Change your life.

Build a new habit in 28 days.

    Exercise more
    Eat healthier
    Have more energy
    Get better sleep
    Drink more water
    Exercise more
    Eat healthier
    Be more confident
    Feel better
    Get better sleep
    Drink more water
    Exercise more
    Eat healthier
    Be more confident
    Feel better
    Get better sleep
    Drink more water
    Exercise more
    Eat healthier
    Be more confident
    Feel better
    Get better sleep
    Drink more water
    What is SquadUp?
    The only habit system you'll ever need.
    SquadUp is a 28 day habit building system, backed by decades of research, experimentation, and effective doing.

    Building habits can be tough, but it doesn't need to be.

    SquadUp brings a fun, unique, and effective methodology to help you build new habits that could change your life.
    what you get
    Fun with friends. Personalized advice. Expertise.
    You ever wish you got to use things that worked as advertised? Well, here's your chance.

    The SquadUp app

    Built for fun, gamification and positive peer pressure, the app helps you build a new habit together with a best friend.

    The AI Habit Assistant

    Habits are personal. Use our AI Assistant to choose and design the right habit for you, based on your true goals.

    The Education Suite

    There is an insane amount of information out there on habits today. We've distilled it all down for you in one easy to digest package.
    what to expect
    New habits. Renewed confidence. Wisdom.
    Change your life, or just make it even better, with the SquadUp app.

    Build new habits.

    Finally build that healthy habit you've been putting off forever. Imagine how that'll feel 28 days from now.

    Renew confidence.

    Get back in the driver's seat. Find that confidence that's always been in there. Give it a chance to come out.

    Earn wisdom.

    Wisdom only comes from experience. Don't just build one new habit, but earn the wisdom to build countless new habits.

    Why SquadUp?

    We are on a mission to boost the collective health of the human race.

    That starts with habits.

    The SquadUp System combines behavioral science and psychology, research from the leading habits experts, and injects a healthy dose of positive peer pressure to bring you the ultimate healthy habit building system.
    How it works

    Partner up

    Invite a friend to build the habit with you. Choose wisely! You'll be counting on this person to show up everyday and hold you accountable.

    Choose a habit

    Choose a healthy habit that you and your partner commit to doing everyday. Start small! Healthy habits are built brick by brick. Make sure it's challenging but attainable.

    Prove you did it with a photo

    Show up for your partner and prove that you completed your daily habit by logging an activity with a photo.

    Hold each other accountable

    Your chances of showing up increase by 95% with an accountability partner. Support each other with boosts and hold each other up.

    Get healthier together.

    Reach your health goals with your friends. Rack up points toward your Squad score when you both log on the same day. Reach 24 points and you've built your new habit!

    Letters from our Founders

    Chris Putsch
    Being healthy shouldn’t be this hard.

    We all want to be fit, strong, and mobile, both mentally and physically, yet we find ourselves trapped in unhealthy patterns and struggle to establish good habits.

    Why is it so hard to be healthy these days?

    Now more than ever, there’s easy access to quick dopamine hits right at our fingertips:

    Scrolling social media is easier than working out.

    Ordering DoorDash is easier than cooking healthy food.

    Starting another episode is easier than going to bed (you don’t even need to press play!).

    In this age of information, people are confused. We’re being told that you need to eat this way, or exercise this way, or do this, or do that. In reality, all these tiny details don’t matter if you aren’t showing up in the first place.

    My 8th grade yearbook quote was, “80% of success is showing up.” That couldn’t be more true when it comes to building healthy habits. Yet people are caught up in the remaining 20%.

    There is no clear path to building healthy habits. If you look for answers today, here’s what you’ll get:

    “Go to the gym before everyone else is awake.”

    “You need to do Keto/Vegan/Paleo/Carnivore.”

    “Buy my 6 week shred program and change your life.”

    “Just be better.”

    “You need to want it more.”

    There’s nothing wrong following a specific diet or weight loss program, but those are the tiny details, the remaining 20%. People need to work on the 80% first, and learn how to show up for themselves.

    That’s where we come in.

    We’re on a mission to help people build good habits.

    Only when people have developed the habit of consistently showing up for themselves can they make a lasting change on their health.

    We’re here to facilitate that change. We’re here to help people show up for themselves, everyday. We’re here to guide people toward effective habit forming.

    Introducing SquadUp, a new product from the Upspace team.

    SquadUp helps people build healthy habits.

    It is an app that helps you and your friends create new habits and hold each other accountable in a fun way.

    It is an app that teaches you how to build lasting habits.

    It is an app that makes healthy fun.

    It is an app that makes habit forming social.

    It is an app that is actually effective and helpful.

    And it’s just the beginning.

    Stay tuned.

    - Chris
    Shaun Ziegler
    For 99.99% of all human history, there was no social media.

    Today, the number of people using social media is over 4.95 billion worldwide. That’s over 50% of the world’s population.

    Now consider this quote from Harvard Business Review... “95% of all cognition, all the thinking that drives our decisions and behaviors, occurs unconsciously—and that includes consumer decisions.”

    On top of this, according to habit expert James Clear, approximately 50% of our daily actions are driven by our unconscious habits.

    Consumer technology psychology alongside its partner in crime, advertising psychology, is very similar to habit-forming psychology. The business model is to get you hooked so they can use your data to sell more ads. The more you view, the more money they make.

    Look at the similarities between the Habit Loop, the Hooked Model, and the AIDA Framework…

    The Habit Loop by James Clear (Author of Atomic Habits) [Habit Psychology]
    2. Craving
    3. Action
    4. Reward

    Hooked Model by Nir Eyal (Author of Hooked) [Consumer Tech Psychology]
    2. Action
    3. Variable Reward
    4. Investment

    The AIDA Framework [Advertising Psychology]
    2. Interest
    3. Desire
    4. Action

    Whether it is tapping into our habits and getting us hooked to their platforms, or repeated marketing using the “8 touches” method to get us to buy, the ecosystem of social media is programming our subconscious and therefore our lives.

    But the thing that concerns us most is this...

    Our children are most exposed. During the ages 14-25, we develop our identities, belief systems, and habits. Today, 90% of this age group is on social media.

    And this social media with its ads is giving us more temptation than ever before. Maybe even more temptation in one day than our ancestors had in a lifetime.

    It is time to ask ourselves… if we are constantly bombarded with temptations corrupting our subconscious which drives most of our behavior...

    Are we truly free?

    Our subconscious thoughts (95% of thoughts) and habitual behavior (50% of actions) make up the majority of our lives. Both these have been targeted leading to destructive behavior that no sane human would choose such as the consumption of poisonous artificial foods, drugs, pornography, negative media, etc. which have all led to radical rises in anxiety, depression, and even suicide... especially in our youth!

    But there is hope...

    The same technology and psychology that has been used to get people hooked to bad, can also be used for good.

    We can use this technology and psychology to give people mastery over their habits and become sovereign again.

    That is exactly what we are doing at SquadUp.

    It is an app to help you and your friends create new habits and hold each other accountable in a fun way.

    It is intentionally designed with deep psychology to help you form the habits you desire.

    We say we want you to get hooked, but rather than us choosing what you get hooked to, you get to choose. All users thus far have chosen positive habits like reading, meditating, praying, exercising, drinking more water, etc…

    You become a master of one habit and you realize you can be a master of them all. This mastery gives you 50% of your daily actions and 90% of your daily thoughts back.

    One habit at a time, we become sovereign again.
